Over 50 years ago, a legendary television mishap unfolded during “The Dentist” comedy sketch on The Carol Burnett Show. Despite its age, this moment remains timeless, eliciting laughter from audiences even today and solidifying its place as one of the greatest television moments of all time.
In just over a decade, The Carol Burnett Show garnered an impressive eight Golden Globes and 25 Emmy Awards, serving as a launching pad for numerous comedians’ careers. Its enduring popularity and acclaim cement its status as one of television’s most iconic programs.
“The Dentist,” featuring Tim Conway and Harvey Korman, remains one of the show’s most beloved and comedic sketches, etching itself into the memories of audiences worldwide. The sheer brilliance of Conway and Korman’s performances is evident as they struggle to maintain composure throughout the sketch due to its hilarity.
The premise of “The Dentist” revolves around Korman, portraying a patient suffering from a severe toothache, who visits the dentist on a Sunday only to find Conway, the nephew of his regular dentist, standing in. Despite Conway’s nervousness as a recent dental school graduate, he attempts various tactics to persuade his reluctant patient to either leave or opt for simple cleaning. However, Korman’s agony leaves him indifferent to Conway’s attempts at persuasion.
As Conway consults a handbook to extract Korman’s tooth, the situation takes a comedic turn when he mistakenly injects Novocain into his hand, resulting in a numb hand and a series of hilarious mishaps. The infectious laughter shared by Conway and Korman, with Korman even resorting to covering his face to contain his amusement, adds to the sketch’s comedic brilliance.
Conway later humorously claimed that Korman’s laughter during the sketch led to an accident resulting in wet pants, showcasing the infectious humor of the moment. He also revealed that the sketch drew inspiration from a real-life encounter with a military dentist.
As the sketch concluded, the dentist’s antics left practically everything numb, including the patient’s mouth and the audience’s laughter. While the outcome of the tooth extraction remains a mystery, the farce undoubtedly elicited chuckles from many.
The relatability of dental mishaps resonates with audiences universally. From 1967 to 1978, The Carol Burnett Show delivered accessible, clean, and non-political comedy that appealed to a wide audience. It’s no wonder that this iconic television gem continues to enchant viewers of all generations.