At the 2024 Oscars, 92-year-old actress Rita Moreno stole the spotlight with her stunning fashion choice. While many celebrities opt for safe or extravagant outfits, Moreno managed to strike the perfect balance between boldness and sophistication. She graced the red carpet in a breathtaking all-black 3D Badgley Mischka gown adorned with cascading ruffles, exuding elegance and charm.
However, what truly captivated everyone’s attention was Moreno’s striking new hairstyle.
Rita Moreno, famous for her signature gray pixie cut, surprised everyone at the 2024 Oscars by debuting a dramatic change: jet-black hair. The EGOT winner, known for her iconic hairstyle, opted for a temporary switch, donning a wig for the occasion.
Moreno revealed on the red carpet that her new look was a tribute to the late actress Chita Rivera, whom she deeply admired. “I’m just having fun wearing this wig,” Moreno shared, showcasing her playful spirit and love for her fellow actress.