The first season of “Charmed” premiered in 1998, and the next morning, the three actors playing witch sisters woke up to international fame, including Alyssa Milano.
Although she continues to act, her filmography lacks other notable successes, but she remains an active blogger on the Internet.
Recently, Alyssa decided to share an aspect of her life that many fans were unaware of. Before becoming an actress, Milano tried her hand at singing and even released several albums. She shared an old photo from that time, surprising many of her followers.
In addition to having a platinum album, Alyssa made her debut in Rolling Stone magazine. Reflecting on that period, she said, “I had many opportunities to express my ideas.”
Fans were amazed by the old photo, with comments like, “I didn’t even recognize her at first,” and “I recently rewatched ‘Charmed,’ but I hardly recognized you in the first photo.”