In early August, Jennifer Garner shared a video on social media revealing the intense preparation she undertook to reprise her role as Elektra. The footage highlighted her demanding training regimen, which included cardio, weights, trampoline jumps, swimming, boxing, and water aerobics, all in preparation for her cameo in Deadpool 3.
In her Instagram post, Garner reminisced about the moment she learned about her return to the role, recalling how the idea was conceived on the set of The Adam Project between directors @slevydirect and @vancityreynolds. She noted that she hadn’t wielded Elektra’s sais (three-pronged daggers) since 2004 and admitted, “I was fit, but not @marvel fit.”
Despite Garner’s impressive physical transformation, not everyone was enthusiastic about her comeback. Some online users criticized her performance, with comments suggesting she appeared awkward, too old for the role, or that her training was unnecessary for a brief screen appearance.
On the flip side, many fans appreciated her return, with one praising her biceps as the highlight of the film and another making light-hearted remarks about her personal life…