Neurodivergence refers to individuals whose brains process information differently from those who are considered neurotypical. This variation in processing doesn’t imply differences in intelligence; in fact, neurodivergent individuals often possess remarkable talents.
At just 13 years old, Lucy Illingworth is blind and autistic but stands out as one of the most extraordinary piano players we’ve ever encountered. Though she cannot communicate verbally, her piano performances convey profound stories. When Lucy starts playing, people are so captivated that they pause everything to listen.
Lucy’s mother, Candice Flynn, recognized her daughter’s exceptional talent early on and nurtured her natural abilities. At the age of 12, Lucy competed in the British music competition show The Piano and won the top honor, earning the admiration of her country and many others.
Candice shared with Channel 4 that Lucy displayed her musical gift from a very young age, playing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star flawlessly on a toy keyboard.
Despite Lucy’s unique life circumstances, Candice desires the same things for her daughter as any other mother: happiness, safety, and security. She added that while she would support Lucy’s decision if she ever chose to leave music behind, she believes that Lucy and music are intrinsically linked.
Candice feels that Lucy’s musical talent is a deep part of her being. As she described to Channel 4, “I truly believe Lucy embodies music – it’s as though musical notes run through her veins.”