Jessica Alves, formerly recognized as the “Human Ken Doll,” gained international fame due to her extensive surgeries. She spent a significant amount on transforming her appearance and has now achieved the look she always desired.

Jessica has publicly announced that she has stopped undergoing surgeries and is content with her current appearance.

Born as Rodrigo Alves in Brazil and assigned male at birth, Jessica Alves struggled with insecurities throughout her life, which led her to seek solace in plastic surgery.

Her journey towards self-realization began in childhood when she developed a fascination with Barbie dolls. As she grew older, these insecurities prompted her to undergo various cosmetic procedures.

By 2018, Alves had spent approximately $500,000 on surgeries, earning the moniker “Human Ken Doll.” However, in 2020, she bravely embraced her true identity as a transgender woman and underwent gender reassignment surgery.

Today, Alves has invested around $1 million in cosmetic procedures, but she has firmly decided to stop any further surgeries, expressing satisfaction with her current appearance.

At 40, after undergoing more than 100 surgeries over 21 years, Alves has declared that she is done with plastic surgeries and wants to maintain her current look indefinitely.