Sam Waldron, who is 23, gave one of the most moving wedding speeches that has ever been seen on the internet. The speech was for his brother Jonah and Maddy, who was going to be his wife. Definitely, it was a story worth telling.
After being shared on a number of social media sites, the video went viral. Everyone there will agree that this best man speech is one of the most moving they have ever heard.
Sams’ TikTok account got over 3 million views and 400,000 comments in just a few days. This loved sibling deserves all the attention and praise he’s getting right now.
The video shows that Sam was a little scared. Both his voice and his hands shook as he talked. But when he says he has autism and gets nervous in social situations like this, he got everyone’s attention. Everyone there cheered to show how happy they were. They know how hard it would be for Sam to be in front of a large group of people.
Sam will have the courage to do it, though. He said, “There is one person I would do this for, though. Jonah Walton. Make sure. I would do this for two people in the world: Maddy and Jonah Waldron.”
He is the brother of the groom, but the first thing Sam said was how much he loved and cared for Maddy. Sam said, “You’re a great sister in the making. My whole family loves you, just like they do my sister Clara. When you are there, they come alive.” He then told her how thankful he was that she had always been a caring sister to him.
Also, he said that even though he gets nervous and uncomfortable around a lot of people, he never feels that way when he’s with Maddy because she “gives him peace.”
He also said nice things about his brother Jonah. Everyone in the crowd knew that this speech, especially now that he was talking about his brother, would be very moving. Everyone there can see how close Jonah and his brother are and how much they care for each other as brothers. Jonah loves his brother Sam very much, and the same is true for Sam.
Sam said to Jonah, “When I was growing up, you were my older brother, but you never looked down on me. You helped me and cared about me. You always reminded me that being different is a real strength and not a weakness. You were kind and patient, and you still are. You love me just as I am.”
Sam kept talking and telling more funny and touching stories about his time with Jonah and Maddy. He had a lot of funny and interesting stories to tell, things that would make people laugh and cry at the same time. When Sam was done with his speech, everyone in the room stood up and gave him a standing ovation.
Everyone loved how open he was about how he felt about his brother and sister-in-law. He seems to have nothing but good things to say.
Sam might not realize it, but that day he made everyone cry, not just his brother and sister-in-law, but also those who were there and those who have seen a video of his speech online.