A moment in time is sometimes just that—a moment. But we’ve all had those special times, and we often wish we could go back and relive them.
Jason Gayler of Alvord, Texas, was looking through old photo albums when he saw a picture of him walking his 5-year-old daughter Brittany down a road to her first day of school.
It was a very important time for him.
But now his little girl has grown up and will soon be done with school. So Jason asked Brittany if she wanted to go to her last day of school with him and relive that special moment from 13 years ago.
Brittany agreed with the idea. So, Jason, who is now 38 years old, walked his 18-year-old daughter to her last day of high school in May of last year. And, just like before, that special moment has been caught on camera.
Those pictures of Jason and Brittany were tweeted… and quickly became very popular.
Jason, who had to fight back tears on the last day of school, said, “It would make me very happy if we could help people remember that time, even if it was just for a moment, and make them smile.” I hope to be able to look at this and smile when I’m old!”