Nicoleta Rivera, who is 21 and from Pennsylvania, blogs about her life. The girl didn’t have any hands when she was born, but that didn’t stop her from living a full life. The pretty girl keeps a blog on the video service’s channel, where she shows her 3,000 subscribers all the things she has done well.
She holds her brushes and makeup with her toes while she does her makeup. Fans of Nicoletta like to watch her videos. People on the Internet like the blogger’s love of life and use it as an example for healthy people who are unhappy with their lives for some reason.
When Nicoletta’s mother found out she was pregnant, there was no sign that she would have a special child. The baby in the womb didn’t have any pens until the seventh month, when an ultrasound showed it.
Doctors tried to get Nicoletta’s mother to have an abortion and told her that the baby wouldn’t live. But Nicoletta’s mother didn’t listen to them. The girl was born without handles because of her mother’s strong faith and love, but she was healthy in every other way.
Now that Nicoletta is 21, she does not think of herself at all as disabled. She takes care of herself and has everything she needs, and a loved one is right next to her. Zach backs the bride in everything she does and says he will always be there for her.
The couple doesn’t care if people look at them funny on the street. Zach says it doesn’t bother him if people are interested in them. The most important thing is that they have a great love for each other.
Nicoleta Rivera says that she has never been hurt by anyone. On the contrary, even people she didn’t know were always curious about how she got by without hands and offered to help.