Olympian Lolo Jones, renowned for her achievements in both track and bobsledding at the Winter and Summer Olympics, opened up about her struggles as a 40-year-old virgin, admitting that it has negatively impacted her love life. In the past, she referred to her virginity as a “gift” she wanted to bestow upon her future husband. However, feeling the weight of her decision, she has now decided to explore IVF as a means to fulfill her dream of becoming a mother.

Jones has been vocal about her virginity for years, candidly discussing her journey in various interviews and social media posts. Initially, she expressed the difficulty of maintaining her virginity before marriage, stating that it was the hardest challenge she had ever faced, surpassing even the rigorous training for the Olympics and completing her college education.

However, as time passed, Jones regretted her openness about her virginity, feeling that it hindered her dating life and made it harder to establish meaningful connections. She revealed that before, she would cautiously approach the topic with potential partners, trying to find the right moment to disclose this personal aspect of her life.

Beyond its impact on her romantic life, Jones also expressed concern that being a virgin might have put her at a disadvantage in her athletic career. Believing that sex could offer advantages for female athletes, she acknowledged feeling as though she was running with a handicap.

Currently, Lolo Jones is shifting her focus to finding peace in her life. She shared that she’s engaged in gardening, an activity she finds strangely calming. Adopting a day-by-day approach, she likens herself to Tom Brady, the football legend, who embraced a similar mindset before retiring from the sport. Amidst her incredible sporting achievements, Jones is now seeking serenity and looking towards motherhood through the path of IVF.