Having a loving family puts you in a privileged position compared to many others in the world. When three brothers were facing the possibility of being separated unless a couple intervened, they found hope for a forever home together.

Joey, at three years old, is the eldest, followed by his two-year-old brother Logan and one-year-old brother Noah. These three boys wished to grow up together and maintain their close-knit family.

Lena and KC Currie from Sudbury, Massachusetts, adopted Joey after participating in a Children’s Friend program. Lena shared, “We came across a photo of Joey, and Children’s Friend suggested he might be a good match. At that time, he was 18 months old.”

Shortly after adopting Joey, the Curries received a call from Children’s Friend about Joey’s six-week-old brother, Noah, who needed a new home. Without hesitation, the Currie family welcomed Noah into their lives.

When Logan’s adoption plans encountered difficulties, Lena and KC Currie stepped in to adopt him as well. Now, the Currie family is committed to ensuring these brothers remain together and united as a family for the rest of their lives.