If your baby reaches the size of a toddler at 13.5 pounds, you may have some concerns. However, mothers especially have reason to rejoice with the birth of a child.

This was certainly the case for Christine and Larry Corbitt, who were thrilled to complete their family of four with the arrival of their first child.

Christine and Larry had no idea what to expect when it came to the size of their baby. While multiple births are fairly common, the Corbitts were not anticipating anything out of the ordinary.

Christine’s pregnancy was relatively typical until she noticed that her belly was much larger compared to her previous pregnancies. As the pregnancy progressed, she continued to gain more weight.

Labor proved to be challenging, and ultimately, Christine delivered Carleigh Brooke Corbitt via cesarean section. To everyone’s amazement, Carleigh weighed in at a remarkable 13.5 pounds, nearly the size of a toddler. Despite concerns, the delivery went smoothly. The doctors and nurses were stunned by the baby’s size.

Christine recounted to Inside Edition, “When I saw her wrapped up in the curtain for the first time, I couldn’t believe how huge she was. I felt like I was staring at a toddler, and I thought, oh my God, she’s going to the nursery.”

Large babies at birth can pose certain health risks, but Carleigh was healthy. The nurses weighed her immediately after birth, and her size necessitated some quick adjustments.

Carleigh’s father, Larry, had to find larger clothing for her since she quickly outgrew what they had prepared.

Now back at home, Christine and Larry are excited to spend quality time with their new, wonderfully large and healthy baby.