The moment the duck-rabbit photo is posted online, social media goes into a frenzy.

What do you see? A duck or a rabbit?

This drawing, uploaded more than 100 years after its creation, has sparked numerous responses. Can you see both animals simultaneously, as some people can see a rabbit and others a duck?

What you perceive (and how quickly you perceive it) might indicate how fast and creatively your brain processes information.

In 1899, American psychologist Joseph Jastrow used the duck-rabbit image to support his theory that perception involves both one’s thinking style and what they see.

Mr. Jastrow’s main goal was to determine how quickly people could switch from seeing one animal to the other and how swiftly they could change their initial perception of the artwork.

The research suggested that if you can complete this task quickly, your brain functions faster and you are more creative.

Interestingly, the results of this test seem to vary throughout the year. People tend to see a duck more commonly in October, while a rabbit is more frequently perceived during the Easter season.

The image was initially published anonymously with the caption “Which animals resemble one another the most?” in the German journal Fliegende Blätter.