Some babies are born as bald as cue balls, while others come into the world with a thick head of hair. Old wives’ tales try to explain why some babies have a lot of hair and others don’t, but the truth is that both ethnicity and genetics play significant roles. Interestingly, some babies born with lots of hair can lose it all within the first couple of months.
This was not the case for a sweet little girl from Japan named Chanco. Born in December 2017 with a full head of hair, Chanco’s hair didn’t just stay—it continued to grow and grow. Now seven months old, Chanco’s impressive hair has earned her over 70,000 fans on Instagram.
Her mother documents her hair journey on an Instagram account she calls a “hair diary.” Each new photo attracts thousands of likes and comments from people captivated by Chanco’s luxurious locks.
Chanco has become an Instagram celebrity thanks to her incredible hair. She’s also undeniably adorable, with chunky little thighs and sweet facial expressions that make her look like a living doll. Her mother often decorates her bushy hair with ribbons, bows, and other pretty ornaments, showing off her stunning mane.
Aside from her enviable hair, Chanco is a perfectly normal baby with no health issues or other remarkable traits. Her hair truly sets her apart, making her an internet sensation.
You can follow Chanco’s hair diary on Instagram to see more pictures of this adorable little girl and her impressive hairdo. She continues to bring smiles to people all over the world, and it looks like our new hair hero will be around for a long time to come.