Zoe Ball, renowned as the first female host of both the Radio 1 and Radio 2 breakfast shows, recently shared some heart-wrenching news on her social media. Her mother, Julia Peckham, who had been battling cancer, has passed away.
Following the devastating diagnosis, Ball took a break from her professional duties to care for her mother and spend precious time with her. She announced that during her absence, presenter Gaby Roslin would cover her role.
In a heartfelt social media post, Ball wrote:
“Heartbreakingly our beautiful Mama Julia has been diagnosed with cancer. As many of you know from experience, these are extremely tough times. Mum is being incredibly brave.
“My brother Jamie & I are completely in awe of the brilliant doctors, nurses & support teams looking after Mum. Thank you.
“Gratitude to our families & our extended family & friends at home & at work for their support at this time.”
Early on Wednesday, Ball shared on X that her mother had lost her battle with cancer.
“We are bereft without you but will hold so tight to each other,” she posted. “Thank you for teaching us how to love unconditionally, to always show courage and empathy, and how, even in the darkest of days, laughter is the greatest of gifts.”
Julia had been moved into a hospice shortly before her passing. Ball has previously spoken about her estranged relationship with her mother, revealing how they reconnected after 14 years. After her parents divorced, Ball lived with her father, children’s TV presenter Johnny Ball, and did not see her mother from the age of five until her late twenties.
The two rekindled their relationship at Julia’s 40th birthday party, responding to an invitation that Ball found the courage to accept.
We extend our deepest condolences for this profound loss. May Julia rest in peace.