Everything about this is hilarious, but the ending is priceless.

School talent shows are a staple, and they always delight the audience.

Although some of these talent shows resemble performances more than actual competitions, they are always entertaining to watch and exciting to participate in.

Apart from the fun and games, talent shows serve another valuable purpose. They provide an excellent opportunity for educators to showcase their students’ talents while helping them build confidence. Additionally, these events bring the community together, which is always something to be grateful for.

A quick search on YouTube reveals numerous student performances from such events. While many are entertaining and interesting, some truly stand out.

The students, young boys dressed as elderly ladies, danced to Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It).” The audience, initially shocked when the “grandmothers” appeared on stage, quickly started laughing and cheering for the students.

When the curtain opens, eight elderly ladies appear on stage, barely able to walk, each using walkers, canes, or crutches.

Eventually, they all discard their walking aids and wait for the music to start.