In a deeply emotional social media post, Katy Perry shared the devastating news of the passing of one of her longtime managers, Martin Kirkup. The 39-year-old singer paid tribute to him on Thursday by sharing several photos of them together, expressing her grief and the significance he held in her life.

Martin passed away at the age of 76.

Despite his aversion to social media, Katy felt compelled to honor him with a post, writing, “It took me a little while to make this post… something about posting it makes it all feel final…” She continued, “And while Martin didn’t like social media or the news that comes with it, I feel compelled to say how important he was and still is to me.”

Katy reflected on her belief that people don’t truly “die” but instead move on to another dimension, saying, “They are no longer here; they are everywhere now.”

She shared that Martin had been one of her managers at Direct Management for nearly 20 years, describing him as a leader who always demanded the facts and data. He had a way of delivering his opinions with wit and a sharp English accent that made everyone take notice.

Katy credited Martin with protecting her, ensuring she received what she deserved, and celebrating her strength as a woman. She expressed her deep gratitude, saying, “Thank you for being on my team for almost 20 years, before I had (as my father from Memphis would say) a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of!”

In her heartfelt tribute, she also mentioned that she had the chance to share some of her new music with Martin just before his passing, a moment that filled her with pride.

Although they didn’t get to say a final goodbye in person, Katy ended her note by saying, “I know he knows how much respect and admiration I have for him, and his hearty chuckles and wicked retorts continue to echo through my mind.”

Martin is survived by his wife, Lale Kirkup, their daughter Melisa Kirkup Blatt, son John Kirkup, and three grandchildren, Sam, Abigail, and Ivy, according to Variety.

In related news, Katy announced her decision to leave American Idol after six years as a judge, citing her desire to focus on new music. She shared her plans on Jimmy Kimmel Live, saying, “I adore Idol excessively… but I need to feel my own heartbeat.”

Katy hinted at her future musical endeavors, noting that she will be performing at the Rock in Rio festival in Brazil this fall. Fans are eagerly anticipating the release of new music from the star, who has been teasing her next career steps on social media.