One of YouTube’s most heartwarming channels is “Dad, How Do I?”

Rob Kenney, a 55-year-old father of two, created the channel to share essential life skills with others. Growing up without a father himself, Rob teaches practical skills like tying a tie, grilling, roasting marshmallows, and jump-starting a car. His channel has quickly gained a large following, touching millions of lives.

Rob’s own childhood was marked by a lack of parental support. His mother struggled with alcoholism, and his father, who won custody of Rob and his seven siblings after their parents divorced, was unable to provide the care they needed. By the time Rob was 12, his father had left, leaving Rob and his siblings to rely on each other. He later moved in with his older brother and eventually built his own family, raising two adult children.

As his children left home, Rob felt the void of an “empty nest” and began making videos to offer “practical dadvice” for everyday tasks. The pandemic provided ample time for people to engage with his content, and Rob’s videos quickly resonated on a deeper level.

Rob’s channel is not just about practical advice; it also features uplifting messages like “I am proud of you,” “We need each other,” and “Be good to yourself.” Many viewers who grew up without a father have expressed their gratitude for Rob’s supportive presence, sharing their own experiences and finding solace in his videos.

Carmona, known as Mother Moon on Twitter, was among the first to share Rob’s videos, reaching over 2 million people. She noted how many viewers related to Rob’s content, reflecting on their own struggles with parental absence and finding comfort in his supportive messages.

Rob’s videos have deeply touched viewers, with many expressing their emotional responses and appreciation. His content continues to offer valuable support and encouragement, especially to those who, like him, grew up without a father figure.