There are days when I really get tired of my job. I’m sure you can relate—waking up one morning with a headache at the thought of facing another day at work.
Sure, I might grumble now and then and have those days where staying in bed and watching TV sounds like the best idea ever. But one thing I never have to worry about is my job putting me in harm’s way.
That’s something to be thankful for, even if we don’t think about it every day. It’s easy to forget that some jobs aren’t just mentally demanding but are also physically dangerous for the people doing them.
Take firefighting, for example. In my opinion, firefighters don’t get nearly enough credit for the courage they show just by showing up for work each day. But there’s a photo circulating online that’s shining a much-needed spotlight on the insane conditions these heroes sometimes have to operate in.
When I was a kid, I dreamed of being a firefighter—if my NBA career didn’t pan out, that is—but these days, I’m pretty content to let someone else handle that job.
Call me a coward, but running headfirst into a burning building is not something I’m eager to do.
Thankfully, not everyone thinks like me. There are brave souls out there who regularly put their lives on the line to save others and prevent disaster when fires break out or serious accidents occur.
And it’s not just about rescuing people from burning cars or charging into blazing apartment buildings—though those are undoubtedly heroic acts. Sometimes, firefighters are called to battle one of nature’s most terrifying and destructive forces: wildfires.
If you live in a place where wildfires happen, you know all too well the devastation they can cause. Of course, these fires don’t just burn themselves out; left unchecked, they’ll obliterate everything in their path.
That’s where firefighters step in. While everyone else is fleeing to safety, they rush toward the danger, doing everything they can to stop the fire’s advance and save lives.
A few years ago, a massive wildfire was raging in Portugal, requiring the combined efforts of 1,150 firefighters to bring it under control.
The scene was terrifying, but it produced an incredible photograph that highlights the extraordinary work firefighters do to keep us safe.
According to reports, a man named Pedro Brás posted the image with the caption: “After a night and a day fighting the Góis Forest Fire, we were entitled to 25 minutes of river beach, although it was covered by smoke.”
The photo shows a group of firefighters lying on a lawn, so exhausted after 24 hours of nonstop work that they collapsed where they stood just to catch a few minutes of rest.
Pedro explained that the firefighters took a brief 25-minute break after battling the wildfire for a full day without stopping.
I don’t know about you, but I think firefighters everywhere deserve a lot more recognition and praise for what they do.