While strolling along a busy road, a woman spotted an unusual figure wandering along the shoulder. As she got closer, her heart sank—someone had abandoned a puppy in the middle of nowhere. The dog, appearing old and frail, was covered in fleas and ticks, suggesting he had been left there for days.

Her first priority was to gain the dog’s trust so he wouldn’t run into the dangerous traffic nearby. Offering him treats, the woman noticed that his lower jaw was completely toothless, adding to his struggle.

Despite being exhausted and shaken, the dog eventually trusted her enough to follow her to her car. Moments after he was safely inside, a powerful rainstorm hit, deepening the gratitude the dog seemed to feel. The woman, seeing his frightened demeanor, named him “Mowgli,” after the lost child from the jungle.

Mowgli was taken in by Howl of a Dog, where his trauma showed in erratic behavior. He froze whenever released from his crate, unsure of how to handle his new surroundings.

However, as he became familiar with his environment, he realized he was safe and among people who cared for him.

One of the quirks the staff noticed was Mowgli’s habit of not eating treats immediately. Instead, he would gather them and bury them under his bed, a reflection of his past where saving for emergencies was his only form of security.

Fortunately, Mowgli’s days of worrying about survival are behind him. He was adopted by a loving family in Germany, where he transformed into the gentlest dog.

He now has a large yard to call his own and enjoys long walks in the nearby forest with his family. Living his dream life, Mowgli knows that his happiness is here to stay.