A classic photograph of a sailor peering into the distance through a telescope has been making waves online.

At first glance, the image appears straightforward—a young man standing by the shoreline, scanning the vast sea before him. But if you take a closer look, you might notice something surprising. Optical illusions have a way of playing tricks on the mind, and this one is no exception!

According to some, only 1% of people can spot the sailor’s wife hidden in the image. Do you have the keen eyesight to find her?

In an interesting twist, the sailor is searching for his wife, completely unaware that she’s been right by his side the whole time! To spot her, try tilting your head and letting your imagination do the work.

If you’re struggling, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Many have found this illusion particularly tricky. Need a hint? The wife’s face is cleverly camouflaged between the telescope stand and the sailor’s legs, blending seamlessly into the background!

We all love a good brain teaser, and here’s another one that’s been leaving people scratching their heads.

The next image is a true optical illusion—one that might stump you at first glance. But once you see it, you can never unsee it!

So, what do you see? A frog? A horse? Or both?

Most people instantly spot the frog, but finding the horse is the real challenge. Look closely at the lily pad—its texture might give you a clue. Still stumped? Here’s a hint: The frog’s body also forms the horse’s head.

Did you manage to find both without any help? If so, you’ve got an eagle eye for illusions! Share this challenge with friends and family to see if they can spot what so many others miss.