Doctors in Rockford, Illinois, discovered a way to uplift the spirits of parents of preterm babies.

The children were decked out in vibrant bathing outfits, and tropical flowers were used to adorn their incubators. Then they invited a photographer and staged a very adorable Hawaiian-themed photo shoot.

The photographs came out awesome! You can’t tell from the image that these adorable kids are in the hospital. Everything gives the impression that the children are actually lounging on the warm sand and dipping their toes in the carefree sea.

According to the clinic’s doctors, they intended for these images to cheer up the waiting period before newborns were released from the hospital.

All the premature baby parents wanted was to be supported. Parents felt at ease, happy, and in control of their children after viewing such a photoset.

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Parents naturally want to bring their infants home as soon as possible. But for the time being, they must remain in the hospital.

Even in such a trying circumstance, we attempted to make them smile,” a neonatologist who works at the facility, Carol Castelino, said.