Recently, a humorous occurrence took place in the Ella Arundell and Russell Mac family. The three kids of the marriage have always wanted to take a vacation to Majorca. They raised 2,500 pounds, or roughly 206 thousand rubles, for the journey.
Imagine that the kids are already waiting for the trip and that the baggage are packed. There are not much longer to wait before taking off.
However, Russell and Ella were irresponsible enough to leave their passports on the table. The following morning, they discovered that their dog had “surprise” papers for the kids.
The woman was furious because she had not anticipated that the eagerly anticipated flight would be delayed.
They seek to find a last-minute answer for the documents in the next days. The passports’ remnants were collected, and they were delivered to the airport so that the officials could inspect them.
However, the documents’ remaining sheets of paper were unable to change anything.
As soon as it became apparent that insurance had nothing to do with passports devoured by animals, the family became angry as well.
To prevent the tickets from totally burning, the couple was had to provide the travel agent an additional £1,000 payment.
And you already know who was delighted with the outcome. Bailey, naturally! Dog is merely pleased that her owners will remain at home.