Everyone in the country was stumped at the same time about how to solve a “Wheel of Fortune” puzzle.

A podcast host put a picture of the puzzle on Twitter, where it got more than 40,000 likes and 13,000 retweets. This made the game very popular.

This video has gone viral. It’s about a guy who gets stuck in an elevator and comes up with a solution on his own. More than 7,000 people answered the poll, which asked for things like “Suck it, dork,” “Duck at work,” “Lick it, fork,” “Pick at pork,” and even “Return to Zork,” which doesn’t make any sense.

Some people gave advice that wasn’t right.

As people wrote their thoughts about the tweet on Twitter, it got even more attention, and not just from people who didn’t like it.

The podcast host wrote, “I really appreciate all the replies and tweets that quote this and make other jokes.” “Just can’t get enough!”

“[H]ahahahahahaha, why can’t I be watching when this sh** happens!?” said one person on Twitter.

Someone else tweeted, “I hate that show, but this is funny.”

“Back at work” was the right answer, which the smart “Wheel of Fortune” player figured out in less than a minute.

This isn’t the first time this year that “Wheel of Fortune” has caused a stir on the internet.

TIME Magazine says that in March, a participant named Kevin mistook “A Streetcar Named Desire” for “A Streetcar Naked Desire.” This made the show’s host laugh.

“You got the right answer, but I’d rather see Kevin’s play,” host Pat Sajak told the winner.

A lot of people went to Twitter to say what they thought about what happened.

“Some guy on Wheel of Fortune had to figure out this: A STREETCAR NAKED DESIRE,” someone tweeted. “He asked for a K. I’m going to go lie down.”

“Nothing makes me laugh more than when Wheel of Fortune goes wrong,” said someone else. “Unlike Jeopardy, everything is written down for you.”

“Hey, Wheel of Fortune contestant who just tried to fill in A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE with a K, DM me and I’ll buy you a beer or 20,” said a third person.

A few weeks later, another funny riddle and answer by a “Wheel of Fortune” contestant made headlines across the country.

In April, it was found that the category “living things” was “_O EYS CK E B S.”

Honeysuckle bush was the right answer, but the woman thought it was a “popsicle bike.” This made many people laugh.

Later, the contestant said, “I don’t know what I said.” “Maybe it’s because I saw a ‘K’ at the bottom, but OK, let’s move on. So I didn’t think about it, but my daughter said, “That’s going to go all over.”