Every girl should put a lot of thought and care into picking out her prom dress. But in California, there was a story that moved not only the whole family but also millions of people all over the world.
Cassie, who was young and pretty, was getting ready for her graduation party, which would be a big and important event in her life. She, like all girls, was confused by the choice of party clothes. But the choice was made on its own, which surprised everyone in the family.
Cassie’s grandmother is Dottie, and she gave her granddaughter the dress she wore to prom. The woman thought that the girl might use the old play outfit to dress up as a princess or put on a fashion show with her friends. Dottie knew that her granddaughter would either change the outfit or ruin it completely.
But Cassie didn’t want to change the dress, so she didn’t touch it. The outfit not only looks exactly the same as it did when it was first made, but it is also in great shape. The girl decided to wear a light, pale pink dress with a full skirt and frills to her own prom, as it was meant to be worn. The girl really liked the outfit because her elegant grandmother taught her from a young age to have great taste, which is how she fell in love with the vintage style.
Kessie told her family about her idea, but she also decided to plan a really nice surprise for her grandmother. She didn’t tell Dottie what she was wearing until the very end. Kessie wore a robe to the graduation ceremony, just like all the other graduates. This is an old American tradition. Then she told her grandmother that she was going with a friend to change clothes.
When Cassie came home already in a dress and stood in front of her family, her grandmother was moved by how happy she looked for her graduation and let out some tears. Everyone in her family cried with her. Aunt Kessie caught the touching moment on video, and she shared it on social media. About 8 million people watched it, and everyone of them took what they saw very seriously. Pay attention to history and the truth.