Dick Van Dyke is a legendary performer who is loved by audiences everywhere. Even though he’s in his 90s, he still has amazing skills, and Dick shows them off when he sings “Young at Heart” with his wife, Arlene.
Dick and Arlene are driven to the studio to start the behind-the-scenes footage. As the two people walk into the studio, a piano player plays jazz chords. Dick and Arlene walk down the hallway with pictures of everyone who has been recorded there.
They look around, and Dick reads out names like Dean Martin and Nat King Cole, which shocks them. Dick says he has seen this recording studio from the outside, but this is the first time he has been inside.
They tell Dick that they are using the “Frank Mic” on him, which is the microphone that Frank Sinatra used. The guitarist raises his hands to tell the other musicians to start playing. There is a bassist, a saxophonist, a drummer, and a pianist.
Dick sings the first verse of the song in his recording booth, which is right next to Arlene’s. In the song’s chorus, they all sing together, and Dick waves his hands as he sings.
After a break for music, Dick and Arlene appear in a suit and dress, with the band playing behind them. As the music plays, the two dance and turn each other around.
As the song ends, there are clips of many older famous actors, singers, and comedians laughing and smiling. As the music stops, Dick and Arlene smile at each other and hug.