In the United States, twin girls were born to a normal couple named Kevin and Jaka 12 years ago. It’s true that their parents are not like most people. Dad is an athlete, he swims, and he looks like a real athlete should look. He’s always slim and in good shape.
And mom is a beauty with green eyes that tell stories. Who were the children supposed to go to if they didn’t want to be pretty? Not only did the girls’ parents think they were beautiful, but so did everyone who saw them in person or in a picture.
Friends said that they would be models. The girls’ mother told them to grow up and figure out what they want to do on their own. When the girls were a little older, their mother told them about this idea. The little ones liked it a lot. Since they were young, they have been very creative, and it is common for people to look at them and admire their looks. The girls also have an older brother named Chase, who is almost as beautiful as the twins.
There are also interesting names for girls. Ava and Lea are their names. And Chase was interested in becoming a model. Girls have a page on social networks where people say nice things about how pretty they are.
Let’s hope that this lovely family does well and that the kids get everything they want in life.