Courtney Hedwyn is a member of the British show “The Voice Kids,” whose performances keep getting better and better. In the final, this young rocker sings “And I’m Telling You,” which Jennifer Hudson made famous. It’s a song that needs a big, powerful voice and a wide range, and Courtney’s style showed that she has both.

Not a single part of this important last act can be overlooked. Courtney’s lively performance on stage stands out. This performer is one of the best because of how strong and wide their range is. Every word is backed up by feeling, dance moves, and smooth expressions on the face.

Jennifer Hudson’s big hit is a song that sounds like it was written just for Courtney Hadwin. Her voice, personality, and way of putting on a show make this finale feel like it was made for her. The song “And I’m Telling You” sounds better than ever, keeping the soulful sound that made it popular in the first place.