In May 2020, Ria Martin, an English woman from Stockport, Greater Manchester, went from a size 8 to a size 10. The 24-year-old girl then thought that she had put on a few pounds because she was in quarantine, and almost everyone could understand what she meant. But in October, she learned why, according to the Manchester Evening News.

Riya says that until the middle of autumn, she felt good and didn’t notice any changes in her habits, except for a small weight gain, which she didn’t seem happy about.

When Riya had severe back pain on October 19, she didn’t think anything was wrong and went to the hospital for help. You could also try making a bar.

Martin’s visit turned out to be short. The doctors gave her painkillers and told her not to come back with similar, supposedly minor problems during the pandemic.

I got pills and was sent back. I just hoped the pain would go away, the girl said.

But the drugs’ effects did not last long. The next day, the pain in her back was so bad that Riya had to go back to the hospital. When she got there, she was shocked to hear that she had gone into labor.

The girl passed out from shock and woke up in the maternity ward. She didn’t have time to call Luke Melling or her parents to tell them what had happened. Martin couldn’t get in touch with her family until she had a baby in her arms.

Miles was the boy’s name.

After that, I called Luke and told him to come to the hospital. Riya said, “I met him on the street and told him everything. The first thing he asked was if there was a boy, because he had always wanted a son.”

Everyone was surprised when a baby was born, because neither Luke, who is a professional fitness trainer, nor the girl noticed that something was going on with her body.

Also, Martin, who didn’t know she was pregnant, felt so good that she went to sports without a worry.

Now, Ria and her boyfriend live with their son and Luke’s father. They are trying to save money for their own house and rebuild their lives for the new baby.

The problems that have come up don’t take away from the happiness of the new seven.

We can laugh about it all now, but at the time it was a very scary situation. “You go to the hospital thinking you have severe back pain and end up having a baby,” the girl said.

Martin’s situation is not unique, though. In fact, it has a name: “hidden pregnancy.” During this kind of event, a girl might not realize she is in a position because nothing changes in her body, inside or out. For example, her stomach doesn’t get bigger.