In just one year, the Clements sisters have established themselves as successful professionals. Starting at the age of 7, Ava and Leah Clements began their modeling careers.

While some may question whether child models can grow up in a “normal” environment, Ava and Leah’s success story was driven by their mother, Jacqui Clements. She signed them up with a modeling agency when they were just a year old. However, balancing the demands of the industry with caring for three young children (the twins have an older sister) proved too challenging at that time.

When the twins turned 7, Jacqui decided to give modeling another try. Adding modeling to their existing activities like swimming and dancing was met with enthusiasm. This decision marked a turning point for the family.

After re-contacting their former agency, Jacqui and her twins were warmly welcomed back. To enhance their visibility, Jacqui hired a professional photographer for their Instagram account, @clementstwins. Within a year, the account amassed over 830,000 followers.

Given the girls’ photogenic appeal, their parents created additional platforms to promote them. Jacqui runs a blog and a YouTube channel offering advice on guiding children into the modeling industry.

Now, professional fashion models, the twins have even embraced the “Barbie” aesthetic. Jacqui emphasizes that the decision to model was theirs and that the girls will choose their own paths in the future.