Nicole Kidman, one of the most recognizable names globally, recently stepped onto the red carpet with her daughter, who is now almost as tall as her famous mother. The 16-year-old joined Kidman at the Omega’s Her Time event at Omega House Paris on Monday.
Kidman, a global brand ambassador for Omega, attended the celebration hand-in-hand with her daughter, making a notable impression. The 57-year-old actress wore an elegant white skirt paired with a short-sleeved crop top and ivory heels. Her daughter, Sunday, looked stylish in a steel gray tuxedo waistcoat, tailored gray slacks, and sparkling silver sandals.
Many observers noted that Sunday bears a strong resemblance to her father, singer Keith Urban. Comments on social media included, “She looks just like her dad,” and, “She has Keith’s face, Nicole’s height 🥰.”
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban have two daughters: Sunday, who is now 16, and Faith, who is 13. Kidman also has a 29-year-old son and a 31-year-old daughter from her previous marriage to Tom Cruise. Kidman and Urban have been married for 18 years.
Sunday has made several public appearances with her mother in recent years, including attending the 49th AFI Lifetime Achievement Award banquet where Kidman was honored. Kidman remarked on the importance of having her family with her at such events, saying, “To be able to do this with my family around me gives it such balance… It’s very grounding.”