In a recent video, Lionel Richie, the legendary singer and American Idol judge, joyfully announced the arrival of his daughter Sofia Richie Grainge’s baby girl. While the video was meant to celebrate this new family milestone, it sparked widespread discussion online about Lionel’s appearance, with many speculating whether he had undergone cosmetic procedures.

In the clip, Richie, known for his hit “All Night Long (All Night),” expressed his excitement about becoming a grandfather, affectionately calling his new granddaughter a “diva.” He shared his happiness for Sofia and her partner Elliot, stating, “My baby is having a baby, and I’m so thrilled for Elliot and Sofia. They are just over the moon.”

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Lionel has previously expressed his enthusiasm about grandparenthood, sharing with ET Online: “Being a grandfather is an exciting adventure for me, but I’m not looking forward to being called grandpa. I’m Pop-pop. We don’t get the ‘grandpa,’ yeah, that’s a little deep. Pop-pop is where we’re going.”

Despite the warm and heartfelt nature of the announcement, viewers quickly turned their attention to Lionel’s appearance. Many wondered if he had made changes through cosmetic procedures, with comments like, “Did he do something to his face?” and “He does look a little different.” Some speculated about fillers and alterations, with one user noting, “Face looks strange.”

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Such speculation is not unusual in the entertainment world, where celebrities often face scrutiny about their appearances. Lionel Richie, however, has always preferred a more natural approach to aging. He emphasizes healthy living, including staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and moderating red meat consumption. He also humorously attributes his youthful look to a healthy sex life. Rejecting the idea of plastic surgery, he told the Daily Mail: “God might not recognize me, so I want to make sure he knows me.”

Amid the online buzz, Lionel Richie remains focused on his family and the joy of becoming a “Pop-pop” to his granddaughter, clearly savoring this new chapter in his life.