Over the weekend, Officer Zach Little of the Smyrna, Tennessee Police Department shared a touching act of kindness on social media. While supervising a funeral procession in pouring rain, Little described feeling “soaked to the bone” and expressed sympathy for the family mourning the loss of two loved ones.

Amidst the rain, a young boy named Levi stepped out of his mother’s car and approached the officer, holding an envelope. After thanking Little for his service, Levi quickly returned to the vehicle. Curious, Little asked Levi’s mother what the envelope was, to which she replied it was a gesture of kindness before driving away.

When Little opened the envelope, he discovered a dollar bill and a heartfelt note thanking police officers for their service. The message began with, “To me, you are the bravest men and women I know…” and praised the officers for their hard work. It also mentioned Levi’s support for the Back the Blue campaign, with the goal of brightening the officer’s day.

Moved by the gesture, Little expressed his gratitude on Facebook, thanking Levi and his mother for teaching kindness, adding, “Thank you, and thank you to his mother for teaching him to LOVE rather than hate!”