Thursday, a UPS driver who went viral because of how he thanked a couple for leaving out snacks got to thank the couple in person.
Dorian Young has worked for UPS for three years. When he first started, he drove his own car.
Young made a delivery to the Barnett family’s house in east Louisville, Kentucky, in November. While he was there, the family gave him free snacks.
The family’s Nest doorbell camera caught Young’s reaction, which was then shared on TikTok.
Toni Barnett said that she and her husband Jason have been putting out snacks for delivery drivers during the holidays for about three years.
During the pandemic, they started doing it as a way to thank drivers for going to work while the rest of the world was stuck at home.
Since then, the tradition has kept going.
Toni Barnett said, “I love the reactions I get from the snack cart, that is by far the best one.” “(Young) is full of energy and excitement.”
“Yeah, he’s an interesting guy,” said her husband. “He is so lively. Every time she showed it to me, I thought, “This guy is so funny!”
Young went back to see the Barnetts on Thursday to thank them for their gifts and help them get more snacks.
Young said he never thought his answer would be shared by a lot of people.
“I don’t have a TikTok account, so when my friend told me, “Dude, you’re on TikTok,” I was like, “What?” Young said.
Toni Barnett said that she has watched the video a lot since it came out on November 29.
Toni Barnett said, “(Delivery drivers) work really hard, and I think they deserve a little thanks for what they do for us.”
Young ended the trip by taking pictures with the Barnetts and promising to return soon.
Young said, “It’s the best job in the world.” “I think it’s a great idea if you want to spend days in trucks and meet cool people all day long.”
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