While on patrol in Ohio, a police officer stopped at a little girl’s lemonade stand. After talking to her for a bit, he decided to teach her a lesson. He finally left, and when he came back the next day, it was not to buy a cup of lemonade.
Yahoo! said that it all started on Monday when Lake County Sheriff’s Deputy Zach Ropos saw a little girl selling lemonade in Painesville while he was on patrol. Ropos bought a glass of lemonade from Gabrielle and talked to her for a few minutes about her stand and why she was trying to make money.
Ropos said, “I talked to the little girl and gave her a speech about how brave and admirable I thought it was that she was trying to save her money.” “When I asked her how much money she had saved, she told me that she only had a few dollars.”
The little girl said she had more, but her mom’s car ran out of gas, so she gave her mom the money so she could fill up the tank. It looks like that made the deputy feel something.
Ropos said, “When she told me she gave the money to her mom, I almost started crying because she was such a good kid.”
Gabrielle told Ropos that she wanted to buy an iPad with the money she had raised. The 22-year-old turned out to have an old one at home, but when he got home and tried to turn it on, it didn’t work anymore.
“That night, I went home and turned on my iPad, but it wasn’t updated anymore… Ropos said, “Nothing really worked on it.”
The next day, he looked for a store that would let him pay for a new tablet for the girl in two parts. He went back to Gabrielle’s lemonade stand in the late afternoon to give her the gift.
Ropos said, “She wouldn’t stop hugging me.” “I remember Christmas when I was 5 because of her face. She just couldn’t help but smile. Her smile was worth $1,000,000.”
Ropos has only been working at the sheriff’s office for eight months, but his boss has already liked him.
Dan Dunlap, the sheriff of Lake County, said, “He’s always liked helping people, and now it’s part of his job.” “He’s a great person. He has done so well here.”
Dunlap said he didn’t talk to Gabrielle or her mother, but from what he knows, “both the girl and her mother were crying.” Tears of thanks and happiness. From what the deputy said, it sounds like they were shocked and very thankful.”
Deputy Ropos deserves credit for making a lasting impression on this little girl and doing something kind.