Men have always looked at Resham Khan, a student who is 21 years old. So, the girl worked as a model sometimes and also went to the Academy of Arts. And, as the police said later, a rejected lover could have set up such a terrible revenge for the Indian woman.

On Resham Khan’s birthday, he and his cousin Jamil Muktar were driving to a restaurant when a man ran up to their car at an intersection and splashed sulfuric acid on the girl’s face. And the world has been lost. Resham couldn’t see for the first month, and touching her face hurt like hell.

It hurt just as much for the girl to realize that she had lost her beauty for good. Doctors say that the scars on the girl’s face will be hard to get rid of and that she will have to learn to live with the fact that she will never look the same.

Resham told her subscribers back in July that she was afraid to go anywhere, even to the nearest store.

“The world is too scary to look at. Too scared of how people will look at me and pay attention to me. She wrote in her account, “My life stopped. I was frozen with fear.”

But after four months, Resha’s face was fixed thanks to the work of doctors and several plastic surgeries. Also, her friends say that she became even more beautiful than she was before.

She showed her Instagram followers a picture of her “new” face a few days ago. The girl turned to her followers and said, “You all saw me at my worst, so let me show you how I look when I’m doing well.” It’s important to note that the pretty girl’s friends did a lot to help her. They set up an online charity drive and raised £9,000 for the girl in a very short time. With this money, Resham had a few surgeries to make her look better.