Katie and Dalton Prager’s story is kind of like a fairy tale. Unfortunately, there aren’t nearly as many happy endings in real life as there are in stories. When they were 18, two young people who liked each other met for the first time.
Katy and Dalton have only been together for five years, but all of their friends and acquaintances agree that these years have been a real paradise for them.
Both the boy and the girl have had cystic fibrosis since they were young. This disease is passed down from parent to child, and it kills a lot of people. Even when they were very young, Cathy and Dalton knew they were going to die. They met on a social networking site.
A bad thing that happened to both of them brought them together. And when Katie and Dalton finally met in person, they knew right away that it was meant to be. After they met for the first time, they tried to spend as much time as possible together. And by the time they were 20, the couple had been to a wedding.
Dalton and Kathy knew they didn’t have much time left, so they tried to enjoy life as much as they could. The couple went on many trips and visited friends. They were happy together for four years.
But then clouds started to form in the distance… It’s important to remember that both of our heroes had to get a new lung. Doctors did this surgery on Dalton in November 2014. Katie’s time didn’t come until July 2015. At first, it seemed like everything was going well. But after a few months, Dalton was told he had cancer.
Katie’s health was also badly affected. The transplanted organs refused to take root no matter how hard they tried. At the end, it was clear that the young couples had nowhere else to turn.
Dalton and Kathy have always been very excited about Christmas. Realizing that they probably wouldn’t make it to winter, they decided to have the party in September. Even these plans, though, were not meant to come true. Dalton was getting ready to go home to his wife from the hospital, where he was being watched, but on September 17, he died from complications of the disease.
After a few days, Kathy went after him. The couple talked to each other until the very end through the Internet. Katie told her family in the fall that when she met Dalton, it opened up a whole world of happiness and love for both of them. And when her husband died, the girl only said that she would see him again soon.
People now call the Pragers the resurrected heroes of The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Whoever planned their lives in heaven should have given the young couples a little more time. At the very least, Katie and Dalton’s close family and friends are sure that, even though they only had a short time together, they found true love in each other.