Emily Brand, a girl from Britain, is getting ready for the 2018 World Bodybuilding Championships, which will be held in October. Recently, she stopped eating because her peers were mean to her. Emily was 30 kilograms, had a tube put into her stomach to feed her, and could not move on her own. She thought she was too fat and ate too much even back then.

Briton The Sun says that when Emily Brand was 14, she had trouble at school. She was called fat by her classmates, so she decided to lose weight any way she could.

I was never too big, but other girls started picking on me and making jokes that hurt. Then I started keeping very close track of my calories and ate too much.

Emily’s parents tried to reassure her that everything was fine, but she didn’t believe them. She stopped eating breakfast and lunch at school. Because of this, the problem started to hurt her health, so she was sent to the Ash Villa clinic, which helps kids with mental problems.

Emily’s condition got better after she got treatment, and she went back to school. But after two years of college, she started running long distances, and then her problems came back with even more force.

Even though I played a lot of sports, I didn’t eat enough. I used to run long distances, and I’m surprised nothing bad ever happened to me. Every day, I just seemed to lose consciousness.

A 16-year-old girl’s weight dropped to 30 kilograms, and she needed doctors’ help again. Her mother took her to the doctor, who sent the patient to the district hospital in Peterborough right away.

I had a very low blood pressure and was very, very sick, but my brain wasn’t working right. Even then, when I looked at myself in the mirror, I thought I was very fat.

Emily was hooked up to a heart monitoring system and put on drip after drip. She could only be fed through a tube.

They were going to put a tube in my stomach to feed me, but I took it out. Then they wanted to tie me to the bed, but I said I would be good if they didn’t. Then she took it back out and threw it out the window so they could see it.

The girl stayed in this hospital for ten days. She wasn’t strong enough to walk. Emily had to use a wheelchair to get around. She was sent back to the Ash Villa clinic to deal with her mental health issues. Seven months have passed.

One day, I realized something. I came to the conclusion that I was wasting my life. I stopped going out with my friends, so I started to eat. And it wasn’t easy, but my health did get better over time.

The girl already weighed 45 kilograms when she left the hospital. Emily started going to the gym and helping her father on his farm to get in better shape. She worked out three times a week with a personal trainer, and when she was 19 years old, she entered a bodybuilding competition. Emily met one of the judges there, and he told her that he could also get her to perform on stage.

And this guy didn’t disappoint. A year and a half later, Emily weighs 53 kilograms, goes to the gym six times a week, and eats about 3,000 calories a day. Her breakfast consists of eggs, oatmeal, berries, and protein shakes. For lunch, she gets chicken and rice or salmon, turkey, and sweet potatoes. By the way, there is often a second dinner – with a steak and eggs.

Emily Brand is now not only a coach, but she also competes in bodybuilding contests. In 2018, she won three times at different competitions in Britain, which was enough to get her into the World Bodybuilding Championships, which will be held in Birmingham in October.