Angel Janes, a Salt Lake City resident, was driving home when she encountered a man standing by the roadside with a sign asking for money or work. Angel stopped to offer assistance.

The man, named Ron, was holding a small Chihuahua puppy on his lap, struggling to wrap it in a blanket. Angel kindly offered him some cigarettes, and he then asked if she could help him find a good home for the puppy.

Ron, who is homeless, explained that someone in a car had thrown the puppy out onto the road. Fearing that the little dog might be hit by passing cars, Ron took it in to protect it.

Angel was deeply touched by Ron’s kind act, even though they didn’t have much time to talk. He made it clear that he didn’t want the puppy to experience the same homelessness he was facing.

Angel shared Ron’s story and the Chihuahua’s plight on Facebook, where her friend, Kathleen Dallman, saw it. Kathleen managed to track down Ron and the puppy, and as a token of gratitude for saving the Chihuahua, she gave him $50. Initially, Ron refused the money, saying he only wanted to do the right thing for the dog. But after some convincing, he finally accepted the money and was moved to tears.

The Chihuahua soon found a loving home with Chasity Guyer and her daughter, who named the puppy Lucky Louis.

Kathleen couldn’t stop thinking about Ron, so she started a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for him. They quickly collected over $400, which Kathleen gave to Ron. Overwhelmed by the community’s support, Ron cried again. He even wanted to use some of the money to help care for the Chihuahua, but Kathleen assured him that Lucky Louis was well taken care of.

Ron later told Kathleen that he had lost his job during tough times and was eager to find stable employment. He plans to use the money to buy a mobile phone so he can reach out to potential employers.