There are billions of people around the world, each with their own unique lifestyles, and some are so different from ours that they’re hard to fathom. One such story is about a man who lived an extraordinary and unconventional life.

Continue reading to discover more.

While most people around the globe enjoy regular showers or baths, with frequency varying by individual, the general expectation is to maintain a clean hygiene routine. However, Amou Haji had a different approach. He chose to avoid showering for 67 years, a decision he made for personal reasons.


Haji, who lived alone in Iran, never bathed for over six decades and had unusual dietary habits, including consuming roadkill and even drinking animal excrement from a pipe. Born in 1928 in Dez Gah, Iran, he was commonly known as “old man” or “Amou Haji,” as his real name remained unknown.

According to legend, he became a recluse after losing his love. Amou Haji, often called the “World’s Dirtiest Man,” passed away in 2022 at the age of 94. Despite not using soap or taking a shower for nearly 60 years, and living in a makeshift home of cinder blocks on the town’s outskirts, he seemed to live a relatively healthy life.


When his beard and hair grew too long, he would set them on fire, and this was his only form of grooming. Despite his neglect of personal hygiene, he was reported to be in good health and lived a long life.

Contrary to popular belief, Haji did not avoid drinking water. He consumed up to five liters daily from a rusty tin can. For food, he preferred scavenging for items on the ground and relished roadkill, even if it looked old or decayed. He also had a penchant for smoking multiple cigarettes at once and used a pipe to inhale animal waste.

Even with his unsanitary habits, Haji’s health was surprisingly robust until he contracted trichinosis, a parasitic infection from consuming dead animals. Nevertheless, this did not seem to have a major impact on his overall health.

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