After 40 days in a coma, 18-year-old Diego Diaz woke up and hasn’t stopped talking about God since.

Diego, from Fowler, California, was in a near-fatal motorcycle crash that left him unconscious for weeks. His family now calls his recovery a “walking testimony” of their faith.

Fowler High graduate wakes up from 40-day coma, says 'God threw me a white  ball'

The Call No Parent Wants to Receive
On June 17th, Diego’s parents, Jasmine and Carlos, got the dreaded call no parent ever wants. Diego had been in a motorcycle accident. His father, Carlos, recalls hearing someone in the background say they were trying to revive him. Doctors warned the family to “prepare for the worst, hope for the best,” and that’s exactly what they did.

The Fight for Life
In the ICU at a Fresno hospital, Diego’s family learned he had suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). As they waited, his mother, Jasmine, turned to research, looking up what she could do to support her son’s recovery. She learned one thing: never leave him alone. So, the family remained by his side constantly.

Diego Diaz Woke From a Coma After 40 Days And Talks About God

Signs of Hope After 40 Days
After nearly 40 days of waiting and praying, Diego finally began to show signs of response in July. His father, overwhelmed with relief, recalled feeling a surge of faith. “It was like the light turned on. I felt so strong—I knew he was going to make it.”

For his family, Diego’s awakening was nothing short of a miracle. His parents will never forget that pivotal day, especially after being told that if he didn’t wake up soon, he could be declared brain-dead.

A Father’s Heartfelt Prayer
Carlos had been wrestling with the possibility of losing his son. He remembers getting on his knees and pouring his heart out to God, praying, “If you’re not going to keep him here with quality of life, just take him with you.” But Diego woke up, and the first thing he started talking about was God.

Faith as His Foundation
Every sentence Diego spoke after waking contained God’s name. “Every time they want me to talk, I’m always like, ‘God did it,’” Diego shared.

Just weeks before the crash, Diego had graduated from high school and signed a scholarship to play football at Arizona Christian University. He had also recently been baptized. Though his future in football is uncertain, the university assured him that his scholarship will be waiting for him when he’s ready to attend.

A Miracle in Progress
Diego and his family are now driven by hope and faith as they navigate his recovery. “Everyone calls me a miracle,” Diego said. “But it’s God’s miracle. This is him showing he’s still alive, still strong, and still performing miracles. He just used me as a picture.”

Diego’s journey continues as he takes each day step by step, surrounded by the prayers and support of his family and community.