“I’ve been living with my girlfriend for two years, and initially, everything was great. We got along well, spent quality time together, and maintained a good balance between our personal lives and our relationship. However, a few months ago, she started pursuing a career as an influencer. At first, it was a lighthearted hobby—just some photos and a few videos. I supported her and was happy to see her find something she enjoyed.

But things soon spiraled out of control. Our apartment has essentially become her studio. Every corner must be picture-perfect for content creation, and every room is treated as a potential filming set. When I come home from work, all I want is to relax, but instead, I’m met with cameras because she’s recording. Even our private conversations are sometimes filmed without my knowledge and later shared in her videos.

One particularly embarrassing moment was when she posted a deeply personal comment I made during a conversation, something I hadn’t expected to go public. I tried addressing it with her, but she brushed it off, saying I was overreacting and that this was just part of her job. She insisted I should be more understanding. Over time, this has taken a toll on me. I no longer feel like I have a space in our home where I can truly be myself without fear of being filmed or photographed.

A few days ago, after another instance where I was “caught” on camera, I decided to have a serious conversation with her. I explained that while I understand how important her influencer career is to her, it’s becoming too much for me. I suggested she consider moving out—not as a way to end our relationship, but so I could have a private space where I don’t feel constantly observed.

Her reaction was intense. She accused me of being selfish, unsupportive, and controlling. She said I was undermining her success instead of appreciating her accomplishments. Now, we barely talk, and I feel like my boundaries and needs aren’t being respected.

I understand how passionate she is about her career, but am I wrong for wanting some privacy and space in my own home?”