Images of Ghanaian computer science professor Richard Okot went popular on social media in February 2018. Because the students at the small village primary school where he teaches do not have access to computers, the African wrote several applications on the blackboard before each lecture, such as Microsoft Word.

Throughout the school year, the teacher arrived many hours before the first bell and used regular chalk on a blackboard to apply detailed representations of programs to his small students.

The man did this, as it turned out afterward, so that his students might at least have a basic understanding of computers: what they are and how they work.

He’s assigned himself the responsibility of preparing the children for the upcoming national computer exam. The only issue was that there were no computers at school. The choice to take the exam was decided at the national level by the school.

We didn’t even inquire as to whether the school had at least one computer. Following the publication of the photographs on the Internet, the school received machines from a variety of sources, including Microsoft. As a result of all of this, many pupils at this school now consider IT to be their future career field.