Caroline Collins, a janitor at a school in Georgia, has become a national hero due to her immense compassion for underprivileged children. When she discovered that many of the students at her school were orphans and suffering from hunger, she knew she had to take action.
Noticing some students arriving at school early, Caroline realized they were embarrassed and hesitant to speak with her. After some investigation, she learned that these children were homeless and struggling to find enough to eat.
Saddened by their plight and drawing from her own experience of losing her son in a home invasion robbery, Caroline decided to help in any way she could.
Caroline and other teachers established a “closet of care” in a school closet, where they stored clothing, shoes, canned goods, and personal hygiene items for the students. Caroline used her own money to purchase many of these items, determined to make a difference in the lives of these children.
Despite her efforts remaining largely unknown outside of the school, Caroline’s deeds eventually gained attention when a film about her actions was posted on Facebook and went viral. Touched by her kindness, a local businesswoman gifted her with cash and supplies for the “closet of care.”
Caroline’s generosity continued to receive recognition when she appeared on the Steve Harvey Show and received a gift of $15,000. Although deeply moved by the gesture, Caroline was most grateful for the opportunity to help the children in need.