This story might convince even the most skeptical about true miracles. A 2-year-old cancer patient woke from a coma just hours before his parents decided to withdraw life support!
Dylan Askin was a little boy given a dire diagnosis. At just two years old, he was diagnosed with a rare form of lung cancer. His condition was one in ten million, and doctors gave him slim chances of survival.
During the holidays in 2015, Dylan was hospitalized for respiratory issues and developed bacterial pneumonia. Tests revealed that his lungs were 80% covered in cysts and barely functioning.
Despite intensive therapy, doctors did not expect Dylan to survive. He was kept alive by a life support system. After several weeks in a coma, Dylan’s parents made the agonizing decision to withdraw his life support on Easter Eve 2016. His mother recalled the difficult time:
However, on Easter Sunday, Dylan unexpectedly opened his eyes and started breathing on his own. His mother, Kerry Askin, was astonished. Dylan was taken off life support on April 4, his parents’ wedding anniversary, which they described as the best gift they could have received.
Dylan’s health began to improve. He was discharged in May and finished his cancer treatment in July. Dylan has been cancer-free for two years, and his lungs are now healthy.
Dylan Askin’s miraculous recovery inspires others to believe that anything is possible if you have faith. We are thrilled for the young child and his family and wish them the best.