The summer vacations of five youngsters from Ventura, Iowa, were not wasted. They accomplished something unique and brave. Cole, 10, and Blake, 8, Meyer, the Meyer brothers, rode their bikes. They decided to go fishing. They passed through a horrific scene on their way there. Many dead turtles were found on the road, crushed by cars.
The youngsters were so taken aback by the event that they went on the lookout for other turtles trying to cross the road. They were so moved that they couldn’t bear leaving the defenseless turtles behind and carried them along the road in their arms. The selfless animals were supported throughout the day by the dedicated guys.
Soon after, their buddies arrived, eager to assist. Kasen Wenzel, 8, Keygan Hoover, 9, and Zakaious Moe, 11 years old, are the other boys. They got together and planned to spend the entire summer helping the turtles.
They returned to rescue the pets after the summer to continue their good job. When there are no automobiles on the road, the turtles are most likely to cross. When there is a car, though, the boys must occasionally stop for turtles. Over 200 turtles have already been saved by the guys.
Because of these lads’ hard work, other drivers will be more patient on the road.