The world was shocked by the story of this young mom, and everyone who heard about her tried to help.
During hard and responsible times for her, her home state also helped her in any way possible.
In the Czech Republic, the young mom and her husband live in a small town.
The couple already had a son when they told everyone they were going to have another child.
When she went for her first screening, the doctor told her that her baby was growing and developing normally.
At the next screening, though, the doctor told her that the baby wasn’t going to be alone: they thought she was going to have twins.
Then, at their third appointment, they were told that instead of two babies, there might be three.
So, after each test, they saw that the woman was carrying another baby.
And the doctor didn’t tell the woman she was having five babies at once until she was in her second trimester.
That was a big deal for the couple and for everyone in the hospital.
The delivery went well, and the young mother gave birth to five healthy children without any help from a doctor.
The kids were great. There were four boys and one girl.
After their story went viral, people from all over the world sent them clothes and gifts to help.
Now, all the kids are healthy and growing normally.
The only problem they hope to have is with money, even though their neighbors and family help them as much as they can.